News Coverage

California is ahead of the game as Obama releases Clean Power Plan

By Tony Barboza of LA Times | Link to article President Obama’s plan to cut carbon pollution from power plants over the next 15 years will force states to address climate change by pushing them to act more like California. The Clean Power Plan announced Monday poses significant challenges for states that rely on coal-fired […]

What We Can Learn from Germany’s Windy, Sunny Electric Grid

By Andrew Campbell of Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley | Link to article Today’s release of the final Clean Power Plan by President Obama ushers in an exciting period of change on US power grids. Wind and solar energy will get a big boost through the plan. The plan recognizes that to sustain public […]

Obama to Unveil Tougher Environmental Plan With His Legacy in Mind

Coral Davenport & Gardiner Harris / NY Times | Link to article In the strongest action ever taken in the United States to combat climate change, President Obama will unveil on Monday a set of environmental regulations devised to sharply cut planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions from the nation’s power plants and ultimately transform America’s electricity […]

Creating Western regional energy market could help state meet climate goals

Carl Zichella, Sacramento Bee | Link to article Gov. Jerry Brown visited the Vatican recently to meet with Pope Francis and world leaders to discuss climate change. The issue has dominated this year’s legislative agenda, and the governor has made bold statements about combating climate change while also setting ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas […]

Ivanpah Solar Production Up 170% in 2015

Breaking Energy, Pete Danko | Link to article The Wall Street Journal has returned attention to the Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, the $2.2 billion Department of Energy-backed concentrating solar power plant whose slow start became the subject of some controversy after a Breaking Energy story last fall. The Journal reported that “15 months after […]

Power from Site C dam ‘dramatically’ more costly than thought: expert

The Globe and Mail, Justine Hunter | Link to article Just weeks before BC Hydro plans to begin construction of the $8.8-billion Site C project, a new report says the Crown corporation has dramatically understated the cost of producing power from the hydroelectric dam. The Peace Valley Landowners Association (PVLA), which is opposed to the […]

The High Cost of Dirty Fuels

NY Times, The Editorial Board | Link to article A new report from the International Monetary Fund makes a compelling case for why countries should end subsidies for fossil fuels: It would save millions of lives. (Link to article)  

Utilities Float ‘Clean Energy Standard’ As Alternative To Tougher RPS | Link to article Five major utilities are lobbying lawmakers and agency officials to adopt a “clean energy standard” as a more cost-effective path for reaching the state’s long-term greenhouse gas (GHG) targets than tightening the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS) by requiring a 50 percent renewable power supply by 2030, according to sources. […]

Achieving California’s goal of sustainable energy future

V. John White | SacBee | Link to article Not so long ago, the idea that renewable energy could be relied upon to power our electric grid was considered far-fetched and too expensive. But having spent 40 years involved in the field, first as a legislative staffer and later as a lobbyist and consultant for […]