Oil industry document reveals plans to fight clean-energy initiatives

San Jose Mercury News | Dana Hull | Link to article

The West’s leading trade group for the oil industry has collaborated with, and in some cases funded, an array of groups to combat what it calls “aggressive anti-oil initiatives,” according to a presentation obtained by climate activists and shared with this newspaper.

The 32-page document lists 16 groups that the Western States Petroleum Association is working with to influence public opinion and public policy in California, Oregon and Washington, including groups such as Californians Against Higher Oil Taxes, Oregonians for Sound Fuel Policy and Washington Consumers for Sound Fuel Policy.

To climate activists, the PowerPoint presentation lays bare, in the starkest of terms, the industry’s efforts to scuttle the West’s groundbreaking global warming laws.

“WSPA’s metastasizing colony of anti-clean energy front groups is a startling reminder of the length to which the oil industry will go to protect their market share,” wrote Merrian Borgeson of the Natural Resources Defense Council. (complete article)

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This video seems to be promoting environmental health, along with other positive life choices, yet in truth it is amongst many “efforts to scuttle the West’s groundbreaking global warming laws”.