News Coverage

Study maps hundreds of methane gas leaks under streets in L.A. region

Tony Barboza | LA Times | Link to article An environmental group has identified nearly 250 locations where planet-warming methane is leaking from natural gas lines under streets in the Greater Los Angeles region. Environmental Defense Fund researchers outfitted a Google Street View mapping car with real-time air monitoring equipment that can detect elevated levels […]

Jerry Brown sets aggressive California climate goal

Sammy Roth | The Desert Sun | Link to article Gov. Jerry Brown launched an ambitious new effort to limit climate change Wednesday, calling for California to cut its planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030 — the toughest carbon goal adopted by any North American government for that time frame. […]

Achieving California’s goal of sustainable energy future

V. John White | SacBee | Link to article Not so long ago, the idea that renewable energy could be relied upon to power our electric grid was considered far-fetched and too expensive. But having spent 40 years involved in the field, first as a legislative staffer and later as a lobbyist and consultant for […]

California regulator seeks $1.6 billion penalty for deadly PG&E blast

Rory Carroll | Reuters | Link to article California’s chief utility regulator on Friday urged a record $1.6 billion penalty against Pacific Gas & Electric stemming from its deadly 2010 San Bruno natural gas pipeline rupture and fire near San Francisco, a $200 million increase over an earlier proposal. (Link to article)  

Climate is a civil rights issue as well as a health, economic, and environmental issue

Robert García and Ariel Collins | The City Project Blog | Link to article Climate is a civil rights issue as well as a health, economic, and environmental issue. A successful climate movement will address the rights of communities of color and low income communities directly. Recent polls show that Latinos are far more likely […]

Huge solar farm opens in California: Enough energy for 160,000 homes

Taylor Goldenstein | LA Times | Link to article About 4,000 acres of shiny black solar panels stretch across Riverside County near Joshua Tree National Park, where on Monday U.S. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell dedicated one of the largest photovoltaic solar energy farms in the world. “This is the beginning of a renewable energy future,” […]

Lawmakers take step toward fulfilling state climate change goals

Chris Megerian | LA Times | Link to article State lawmakers are preparing a sweeping package of bills that would fulfill several of Gov. Jerry Brown’s climate change objectives by increasing California’s reliance on renewable energy and alternative transportation fuels. The proposals would also require state pension funds, the two largest public systems in the […]

Gov. Brown proposes 50% renewables goal in inaugural speech

Debra Kahn | E&E Publishing | Link to article Gov. Jerry Brown (D) received plenty of early support for his proposal, in his Jan. 5 inaugural speech, to get half of California’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030. A lawyer who represents renewable energy developers said the media coverage of Brown’s goal has sparked interest […]

Gov. Brown’s renewable energy plan could boost solar, wind industries

LA Times | By Julie Cart | Link to article Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposal this week to significantly boost the amount of energy California derives from renewable sources could reinvigorate the state’s utility-scale solar and wind industries, as well as launch another land rush in the Mojave Desert. In his inaugural address, Brown didn’t say […]